Hello, my name is William Pickup

I live on Sydneys' Northern Beaches, where I enjoy and running, swimming, and slowly making things in my workshop.

What am I doing now?

See my “now” page

Recent Posts

Guerrilla bagging

Horrified to discover the damage that plastic bags were causing to our marine environment, Claire Morsman devised a plan for action - ‘sociable guerrilla bag...

Healing power of chooks

This post has been in my mind since I saw a wonderful program ABC TV. The program “Rare Chicken Rescue” has two themes, one is depression and the other is ab...

Frightened by voluntary simplicity

An article in the New York Times here tells of a couple who are shedding their possessions prior to starting a new life as organic farmers. What I found inte...

Organic vs local

These days we have a reasonable range of organic food available to us locally whether through the supermarket, our local shops and/or box deliveries. However...