Hello, my name is William Pickup

I live on Sydneys' Northern Beaches, where I enjoy and running, swimming, and slowly making things in my workshop.

What am I doing now?

See my “now” page

Recent Posts

New book - cubicle nation

Nice to see Pamela Slim’s book in the shops, I am looking forward to giving it a read after enjoying her blog for some time.

Traditional chicken ark

Here is a design for a traditional chicken ark. This is from Charles Hayward’s 1940 book “Carpentry for Beginners” which has still a useful reference as it s...

So long Fourth World Review

I am a great fan of subversive media that seeks to tell truths that do not sit easily in the tomes of the major outlets, being dictated as they are by large ...

BEN - bicycle empowerment network

Its Blog Action Day - my plug is for BEN the Bicycle Empowerment Network of Namibia. Established by Australian Michael Linke who had previously edited Austra...