Hello, my name is William Pickup

I live on Sydneys' Northern Beaches, where I enjoy and running, swimming, and slowly making things in my workshop.

What am I doing now?

See my “now” page

Recent Posts

Rushkoff, a change agent

I have been reading two books by Douglas Rushkoff. “Program or Be Programmed” and “Life Inc”. These books have well reasoned arguments that encourage a subve...

Great bookshops of the world

Fascinating photos of bookshops from around in the world in the this article in Salon via Twitter from Mark Bertstein who has been to 3 of them. I’m pretty s...

Things that matter

Seth Godin has published a free ebook, “Things that matter”. It contains over 70 short essays from todays leading thinkers. Definitely worth a read. I found ...

Seasonal Eating

The way to keep the food miles down is to eat in sync with whats in season for your region. Its a simple idea that would once have been the only option for m...

Balehaus - an experimental building

The Ecologist is one of the great journals of the green movement and has recently gone through the transformation from print to online. This makes access to ...